Texas Instruments VLSI written 2015
3:51:00 PM
Written Test
Pattern : Aptitude Questions and Electronics
[ Above medium difficulty level, mainly because of time constraint ]
1. From the following figure find the voltage across the capacitor after the stable state
(A) 1V
(B) 2V
(C) 4V
(D) 0V
2. What does the circuit do?
(A)mod-3-down counter
(B)mod-2-down counter
(C)mod-5-down counter
3. Don't remember the question !!!
4. An IIR filter is given y(n) = a x(n) + (1-a) y(n-1), where a = 0.875.
How many values of y(n) / previous outputs does the present output depend on if the filter is ran on a microprocessor.
5. In the below figure its a digital buffer. Input rise time = 1ns.
what is the output rise time
(D)digital buffer cannot exist
6. If the time constant T ( taw) is RC for the first case, what is the time constant for the second case.
7. Again question forgot
8. One k-map question of 5 variable
9. A lengthy and tough VHDL question
10. The value of S1 and S2 for which the led glows?
11. Initially Vo is very high and diode is off. After sometime Vo gradually reduces.
At what Vo does the diode gets forward biased?
12. In some far away planet the aliens calculate addition of 532 and 35 as 611. How many fingers does the aliens have?
13. If the voltages and charges in three capacitors were as shown before they were connected together, find the value of Vo when they are connected together.
14. Some power calculation question based on the following figure
The digital block shown is working at 100Mhz.
15. One question based on C(Vdd^2)f
16. What is the maximum frequency of operation for the circuit shown. Duty cycle = 60% and jitter = 1ns
17. Jitter affects
(A)Setup violation
(B)Hold violation
options (a) A (b) B (c) both (d) None
18. From the following figure
(A) Architecture 1 is better for V1-V6 communication
(B) Architecture 2 is better for V1-V6 communication
(C) Architecture 1 is better for V2-V6 communication
(D) Architecture 2 is better for V2-V6 communication
19. A question on mantissa and exponent.